Premature graying of hair is an abnormality that occurs in people under the age of 25. Although graying of hair is not dangerous, it only affects appearance and self-confidence. However, the cause of graying of hair may be due to dangerous diseases.

Everyone’s hair is from hair root cells. These hair root cells are located about 1-2 millimeters deep in the scalp. At the hair root area, there are cells that can create pigments. For example, Asians have black or dark brown hair because most Asians have a pigment call eumelanin, which has a dark color. People from Europe and the United States have blonde hair because they have less melanin and have more pheomelanin pigment cells.
These pigment cells are like other cells throughout our body. Over time, these cells deteriorate. Work more slowly, or die, เล่นบาคาร่า UFABET เว็บตรง ค่าคอมสูง, and new cells are creat to replace them. However, there may be certain factors that cause cells to deteriorate faster than normal, or when cells die, there are no new cells to replace them, which causes gray hair.
People who have gray hair, when they pull it out, the hair that grows back will still be gray as before. Because the melanocyte cells in the hair root sac start to decrease or the cells in that area are damag and stop working according to the hair cycle. The hair in that area will be permanently gray.
And people who believe that the more you pull out gray hair. The new gray hair that grows back will be dark. It is not true. But on the contrary, the more you pull out gray hair, the hair will enter the final phase
of the hair cycle faster than normal. If you do not want to be bald and thinning hair before your time. You have to solve the problem by dyeing your hair to cover the gray hair instead of pulling it out. Dying your hair to cover the gray hair is a pretty good initial solution.